
Music with Passion

"My Own Sinking Ship" by Good Old War

I love music with soul and passion. I recently discovered this band and I have to say, I can't get enough. And as soon as I found this video session, I became an even more impressed fan. This live version sounds even better than the recorded song. That's when you know you've found a good band/artist. Such a lovely song, I can just visualize their voices intertwined, flowing up through the air so beautifully, traveling as far as they can. This is the type of music I feel should be on the soundtracks of our lives. Or mine anyway. :) There are so many wonderful artists/bands out there and most of the really beautiful ones, don't get a whole lot of attention. The best kind of music gives you that blissful feeling of comfort and love for life. It helps you notice and appreciate the simple beauties out there, but also acknowledge the pain and struggles without fear. To me, this is a perfect example.


  1. NicklePickle.1/25/2011 12:12 PM

    love. love. love. Coney Island is my faveeee by them. :)

  2. Me too Nicki. Well, this is my favorite but Coney Island is awesome! :)
